Tuesday, July 15, 2008

These are just a few pictures of the kids at the Vigo County fair last week and the Clay City Fair a few weeks ago.

Waiting for the Clay City parade to start

Getting some candy

look at all that candy in her hand!!!

Petting the animals

Playing at the park

Playing in the orn at the Vigo Co. Fair

Riding the Carosel

Max and Papa at the fair

Looking at the animals...that goat wanted Gwenie's sucker

Gwenie got to make a stepping stone on Friday at the fair, but I forgot to take a picture of it. When we put it outside I'll have post a picture of it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We got to celebrate with our 4th of July plans on Saturday and it turned out to be such a nice day. We went to Shakamak State park and went swimming at their pool which is always a lot of fun. Gwenie loves their slide and must have went down it 20 times while we were there. Max even got in the water for a little while and seemed to enjoy it. That night we went to the fireworks in Brazil. Max just slept through them and Gwenie kind of acted like she was scared of the noise or something. But it was a really good firework show!!
Today I took Max for his 2 month check up and he's already almost doubled his birth weight! He weighs 14 lbs and is 25 inches long! I thought it was supposed to take them a little longer than this to double their weight...he must just be a big boy! Anyway, he did great getting his shots, he only cried a little, unfortunately they were out of 2 of the shots he was supposed to get so he has to go back whenever they get them in.
He's starting to smile and laugh now, it's so cute. The other day my mom and dad came over to get something and he was belly laughing at my mom, but then when I tried to show Jared later that night he would only smile. Then today my parents came to pick up Gwenie while I took him to the doctor and he got so excited when he saw them. I love that he's starting to get a little bit of a personality!
Gwenie is also doing good, just sing and dancing around all the time. oh I almost forgot to share her big news...SHE'S POTTY TRAINED! She has been for a couple of weeks and she is doing so well! I am so proud of her!!! Not to mention that we don't have to diapers for her anymore :) These are a couple of her 2 year pictures that we had taken. We've had them for a while but I just got them downloaded the other day.

And I just had to share this family picture of us. If you know Jared, you know he love Star Wars and legos so this is our family that he assembled the other night, and I just had to take a picture of it.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Since our 4th of July plans got cancelled with the rainy weather, I decided to take a family picture of us this morning. I just realized a couple of days ago that my camera that I've had for four years now has a timer on it so we took the picture ourselves. It's not the greatest, but we took like ten and this is the best we got and we wanted to share it with all of you.

We hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!!!

I'll post more after we go to Shakamak tomorrow (hopefully):)