Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Well I am really behind on this blog...Since our last post...

*Gwenie had her 3rd birthday! It's hard to believe that she is already 3 years old...she's growing up way to fast! We had her party the night before at the park by my parents house, which was where Gwenie chose to have her party. Then on her birthday we spent the morning with her opening her presents from us and my mom came over to wish Gwenie a Happy Birthday. That afternoon we traveled to Fort Wayne to visit Jared's family and to go to his sisters high school graduation party on Sunday. I hope she had a good time! Here are a few pictures from her birthday weekend.

*Max and Gwenie both got their very first hair cuts! They both did really good, Max got a lot more cut off than Gwenie, but I told Gwenie that after summer she could get her hair cut short like she wanted. The best thing was that the lady did it for FREE since it was their first hair cuts! And she gave us these really cute first hair cut certificates that have their name, date, the place they got it cut, and a little baggy that sticks to the back with their hair in cute.

*We've been enjoying playing outside in the recent really warm weather. Gwenie got a new sprinkler and slip-n-slide for her birthday.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Times are Flying

About a week and a half ago our little boy had his first birthday, it seems like he was just born ...time sure does go by so much faster now that I'm older! Here are a few pictures from his birthday and party...

Max on his birthday opening a present and after I fed him some cake

Playing with the balloons for his party

Eating his cake and playing at his party

Jared and Max share a birthday, so I guess I should say Happy Birthday to our two favorite boys!

Last week Gwenie and I went to a Mother/Daughter Banquet with my sister and came home with a goldfish. I haven't taken a picture yet, but when I do I'll take a picture I'll post it. Gwenie has named it Cinderella...hope I can keep it alive. It has lasted longer than I thought...almost a week!

Jared has started playing softball...he has played for the past 5 year or so years with our church league. We love going and watching him's really is my favorite time of year! I'll try to catch some pictures soon and post them...they lost their first game last Monday and this week is a bye so we'll see how next week goes.

For Mothers Day my mom, sisters, and I went to get a pedicure with no kids, then went to lunch and window shopping at the mall. It was a lot of fun! While I was gone, Jared took the kids to Rural King to plant a flower for me. When I got home I gave Gwenie a pedicure just like I promised her for staying with Jared. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend!
Flowers the kids planted...well probably Jared planted
Gwenie getting her pedicure

Monday, March 9, 2009

Picture Update

These are some recent pictures of the kids....

Gwenie in her dance/gymnastics outfit

Gwenie hanging out on the couch

Max eating a taco
Gwenie riding in her car

Max playing outside with Jared

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I have really been slacking...Jared told me the other day that I hadn't posted any of his basketball scores. The 2008-09 season will be over next week, and I have posted anything about it. I honestly do not even know their record...I know they've at least won a few games and he thinks they may make it to the county championship game. I'll have to post scores and such when he's home.
Jared got a job offer the other day!!! It's only for 8 weeks, but that's 8 weeks we do not have look for substitute teaching jobs. The job could last longer, but I guess it goes in phases. He'll be working for the US Census Bureau, so if you see him coming to your door...please answer. I told him to tell whoever was coming to our door that I wasn't going answer. I hardly ever answer the door unless Jared is home or I know who it is.
Gwenie is getting better at gymnastics...she can do a donut now...impressive I know, especially for a 2 year old, but she excited about it. I remember when I took dance class for a short time learning to do a donut. She has also started to learn some ballet, which she loves. The other day she was doing something and said, "mom look I did ballet".
Max is getting to big for his own good. He's starting to walk...I think his record is about 9 steps. He's so funny! He can now say football and diaper, and he doesn't even say "mommy" yet :( He also has 6 teeth now! I think he's got 4 teeth in the last month maybe 6 weeks. Along with his new teeth he got his first ear infection :( He was a real trooper and is much better now.
I will try and post pictures and basketball scores soon...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Quick Update

Jared went to a coaches clinic this weekend so I've been home alone with the kids since yesterday afternoon. This is my first time ever staying home alone with the kids over night...usually I go stay with my parents, but this time I thought I would try and be a big girl and stay home :) It hasn't been to bad so far! Last night we went out to eat and to Walmart with my parents, then we came home and got ready for bed. Gwenie and I stayed up way to late, then Max was up from about 3:30 until 4:30 coughing, I tried everything to help calm the cough, but nothing worked, finally he just fell back asleep. Today we have just stayed home, we may be going to mall in a little while with my mom. Then Jared should be home tonight...yea!

Max finally got another tooth!! It's on the top left, but it's not a front least I don't think it's pretty far over if it is. He's been kind of cranky lately and has other signs of teething so we a looking for another tooth to come soon.

Gwenie finally accomplished a summersault by herself!!! She was so excited at dance/gymnastic class. She been trying so hard for about a month to get it and she finally figured out how to push herself over without any help. I'm so proud of her!

Jared is still looking for a job...he's applied for about 10 jobs so far and he's only got one call back. He interviewed this past Wednesday, but they told him it would be 4-6 weeks before he would know anything. In the meantime he's been subbing a few days and is still searching.

That's about all that is going on here....I hope you all have a wonderful week!

These are pictures of Gwenie and Max...they are both about 7 months old in the pictures.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

I know it's been a while since our last blog, with Christmas and New Years we have been pretty busy! Jared finally finished his student teaching the Friday before Christmas, well I think it was offically finished the week before that but he continued to go to the school the next week. Now he has to find a job which is the more difficult part. So please if you could pray that he finds a job's been almost 5 months since his got paid for a real job (besides coaching). He's applied for a couple, so hopefully he will get a call for a least one.

I go back to work on Monday....having 2 weeks off was really nice! I wish I could stay home all the time, but at least I get to keep the kids with me! Gwenie has really missed her friend Sarah, so it will be good for her to have someone to play with. And it will also help to get the kids back on a schedule.

Max went to the doctor for a check up last week and he already weighs 19 pounds and is 29 inches long! I think that is how much Gwenie weighed when she was a year old :) He started crawling about a month before Christmas and now is going everywhere...he has so much more energy then I remember Gwenie having at that age...he's everywhere. He's also pulling up on anything he can get a grip on and just started taking steps from our couch to our loveseat. He'll be walking before we know it, he's growing up way too fast...he'll be one year old in 4 months!

Other than that, nothing is new, except my brand new niece who is so cute! I'm sure you all look at my sisters blog too so I'll let her tell you about her.

These are pictures from Christmas and New Years...they are kind of late, and sorry for the quanity, I just couldn't choose.

Gwenie and Max with Santa...

Max couldn't figure him out

Max in his Christmas outfit...Gwenie wouldn't let me take her picture with Max

Max after eating Spaghetti for the 1st time

Max and Gwenie opening a present on Christmas Eve morning

Max Christmas morning

We had to wake him and Gwenie up

Gwenie showing off her puzzle that Max got for her

Max opening presents at my parents Christmas morning

Gwenie opening presents Christmas morning at my parents

she really got into opening present this year!

Max sitting in his new rocking chair he got for Christmas from Jared's parents

Gwenie and Max playing the keyboard together

Brittany, Max, and I on New Years Eve

Check out our matching outfits :)

My sisters, me and my mom all got matching outfits...Brittany and I were the only ones that wore them that night

Max and Gwenie checking out their new cousin

The newest member of our family...a life size barbie my parents got Gwenie

We dressed her in Gwenie's clothes and everytime I glanced at her I thought she was real :)

We hope everyone has a great year!